Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)


What is IBD?

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) encompasses a group of inflammatory diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract, having as major representatives Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). … Read more


Germany Prof. Peter Hasselblatt & Prof. Wolfgang Reindl
Switzerland Prof. Jan Niess
France Prof. Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet
Luxembourg Dr. Spyridon Sofos

Who can participate?

  • You should be at least 18 years of age
  • You should have IBD, either Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, for at least 3 months before starting the study
  • You require a signif... Read more
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

    Multiple Sclerosis (MS)


    What is MS?

    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS). It is typically diagnosed between the third and fourth decade of life, occurs more frequent... Read more


    Switzerland Prof. Cristina Granziera

    Basel is home to a world-class Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Center at the University Hospital Basel and the Research Center for Clinical Neuroimmunology and Neuroscience Basel (RC2NB). With over 25 years of expertise, Basel drives innovative MS research, advanced imaging, and personalized treatments with Prof. Cristina Granziera serving as the Principal Investigator (PI), fostering collaboration and data-driven solutions to advance MS care globally.

    Luxembourg Dr. Myriam Cescutti
    Germany Prof. Rick Dersch & Prof. Lucas Schirmer
    France Prof. Jérome de Sèze

    Who can participate?

  • You should be at least 18 years of age
  • You have any clinical form of multiple sclerosis based on the revised McDonals criteria
  • You have early disease stages (< 3 years) or tran... Read more
  • Rheumatoid Disease (RD)

    Rheumatoid Disease (RD)


    What is RD?

    Autoimmune rheumatoid diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), are complex chronic diseases that affect a large part of our population, with up to 25 million... Read more


    France Dr. Renaud Felten
    Germany Dr. Johanna Schwaan & Prof. Jan Leipe
    Luxembourg Dr. Marco Hirsch

    Who can participate?

  • You should be at least 18 years of age
  • You should have received a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in the last 2 years or a mimicker of RA (systemic sclerosis, anti-synthetase synd... Read more
  • Patient & Public Involvement

    Clinnova will develop a patient & public involvement (PPI) strategy and setup a Patient and Public Advisory Board. This Board will be opened to patients and their family members as well as physicians and members of the general public.

    Once implemented, this Patient and Public Advisory Board will help prepare and review information material on Clinnova targeted to patients and the general public, and provide advice on the communication and engagement strategy. Moreover, this Board will provide suggestions for prioritisation of research topics. In the long term, the goal is to co-create research projects together with patients, physicians and researchers.